Web Sites
Mobile Apps
- Minifig Collector (Android and Amazon)
- SaltThePass (iOS, Android and Amazon)
- TiskTasks for Todoist (@github)
- The Unofficial LEGO Minifigure Catalog (iOS, Android and Amazon)
- WatchDog Parental Control Software (sold to CQL Corp)
- Wimage / Wimee
Open Source Projects, Tools and Scripts
- plex-poster-optimizer: (Node.js) (@github)
- mymovies2plex: (Node.js) (@github)
- deploy-linode-docker-openvpn: (Linux/Windows/Docker/OpenVPN) (@github)
- deploy-aws-docker-openvpn: (Linux/Windows/Docker/OpenVPN) (@github)
- ChecksumVerifier (Windows / C#) (@github)
- Todoist.com Backup (Windows / C#) (@github)
- RenameRegex (Windows / C#) (@github)
- Backing up Windows computers to a Synology NAS via SSH and rsync (Synology / Windows) (@github)
- DIY Cloud Backup using Amazon EC2 and EBS (Windows) (@github)
- ‘The Economist’ print edition .mobi creator for Kindle (Windows / Linux / PHP) (@github)
- Mounting VHDs in Windows 7 from a command-line script (Windows / DOS batch) (@gist.github)
- PngOutBatch: Optimize your PNGs by running PngOut multiple times (Windows / DOS batch) (@gist.github)
- apache-clickhouse: (Go) (@github)
- third-party-lighthouse-audit: (Node.js / JavaScript) (@github)
- perfbar.js: (JavaScript) (@github)
- puppetarazzi: (Node.js / JavaScript) (@github @npm)
- cpuprofile-filter: (Node.js / JavaScript) (@github @npm)
- cdn-detector.js: (Node.js / JavaScript) (@github @npm)
- perf-timeline.js: (JavaScript) (@github)
- usertiming-compression.js: (Node.js / JavaScript) (@github @npm)
- resourcetiming-compression.js: (Node.js / JavaScript) (@github @npm)
- node-handlebars-precompiler: (Node.js / JavaScript) (@github @npm)
- adblock-detector.js: Detects ad blockers (Browser / JavaScript) (@github)
- SaltThePass.js: Algorithm for SaltThePass.com (Node.js / Browser / JavaScript) (@github @npm)
- UserTiming.js: A UserTiming polyfill (Node.js / Browser / JavaScript) (@github @npm)
- breakup.js: Yielding enumeration (Node.js / Browser / JavaScript) (@github @npm)
- MediaWiki Special:UserScore Extension (MediaWiki / PHP) (@github)
- MediaWiki ConfirmEdit AreYouAHuman Extension (MediaWiki / PHP) (@github)
- MediaWiki decompression script for the text table (MediaWiki / PHP) (@github)
- b2evolution 0.9 to WordPress 2.7 migration script (WordPress / PHP) (@github)
- MySQL latin1 to UTF-8 conversion script (MySQL / PHP) (@github)
- TiskTasks for Todoist Android app (Java / Android) (@github)
- com.nicjansma.library – misc utilities (Java / Android) (@github)
- Auto-ban website spammers via the Apache access_log (Linux / BASH shell) (@gist.github)
- Spark Core Water Sensor (@github)
- Particle Photon/Electron Remote Temperature and Humidity Logger (@github)
- SmartThings Device Handlers and Smart Apps (@github)
Web Standards
Founding member of the W3C Web Performance Working Group. Contributor to:
Presentations, code and examples are on Github and SlideShare.
See the talks page for full slides and videos as well.
- Modern Metrics (@YouTube)
- Perfect Strangers: Successfully Working in a Cross-Functional Environment (@YouTube)
- Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: Auditing and Improving the Performance of Boomerang (@YouTube)
- When Third Parties Stop Being Polite… and Start Getting Real (@YouTube)
- Reliably Measuring Responsiveness (@YouTube)
- AMP: Does it Really Make Your Site Faster? (@YouTube)
- Measuring Real User Performance in the Browser (@YouTube)
- Measuring Continuity (@YouTube)
- Measuring the Performance of Single Page Applications (@YouTube)
- Forensic Tools for In-Depth Performance Investigations (@YouTube)
- JavaScript Module Patterns
- Make It Fast
- Sails.js Intro
- Appcelerator Titanium Intro (2014)
- The Happy Path: Migration Strategies for Node.js
- Using Phing for Fun and Profit
- Using Modern Browser APIs to Improve the Performance of Your Web Applications
- Debugging IE Performance issues with Xperf, ETW and NavigationTiming
- Appcelerator Titanium Intro (2012)
Open Source Contributions
Contributions to: joli.js, jquery-validation, node-email-templates, s3cmd, crypto-js, versionator, grunt-contrib-nodeunit, nodeunit, less.php, node-handlebars-precompiler, jsdox, grunt-contrib-handlebars, sparknode, boomerang, Mediawiki-Extensions-SphinxSearch, php-code-coverage, jsurl, showslow, Matador, request, cluster-cache, velocity, opcache-dashboard, typeahead.js, ModSecurity, PodDl, microjs.com, caniuse, mpulse.js, repository.js, jsdelivr, cdnjs, polyfill-service, cluster-metrics, node-plex-api, phpDocumentor, mqtt-admin, sensor.cryptoportfolio, core, go-ethereum, RetroDECK, pegasus-theme-es2-simple, es-theme-epicnoir, rum-archive, pegasus-theme-gallery-db, pegasus-frontend